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Showing posts from 2014

Hope You Have a Happy Geeky Chirstmas!

Merry Christmas from our very geeky family to yours! This year we had our first Doctor Who Christmas tree (that my 3 Year Old adopted as his own) We also had really awesome cookie cutters to make very geeky cookies for Santa.  (both sets came from Think Geek)

DIY Halloween Window Decorations

I saw some awesome Pinterest ideas for making Halloween window decorations and decided to put our Disney loving twist on it. This was such a simple craft to do. We took pictures of our favorite characters and enlarged their size and printed them off. We then taped the printed images to black garbage bags and cut them out. (This was the time consuming part)  I then careful taped them onto our window. (make sure to take your time since the plastic bag may rip).  To make some of them stand out I put colored tissue paper behind them so that when the light was on it would make the black stand out more.